Supported Decision Making

National Weekly Meeting for Self-Advocates

Arizona self-advocates made 10 new videos explaining supported decision-making. They will share how they are training self-advocates. Link for this Zoom Meeting

Tell Us What You Want to Talk About

National Weekly Meeting for Self-Advocates

Hundreds of self-advocates from about 40 states have been on our Thursday Zoom meetings. It's time to make a new list of what we should talk about in future meetings. Link for this Zoom Meeting

I/DD Counts

National Weekly Meeting for Self-Advocates

We know that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) have more health problems than people without disabilities. Staff from the federal government will tell us how they are working hard to keep track of all the health issues we are facing. Here is the link for this meeting

SARTAC Fellowships

National Weekly Meeting for Self-Advocates

SARTAC Zoom meeting about - SARTAC Fellowships SARTAC pays Fellows $5,000 to complete a year-long project. Applications are being accepted NOW! Come to this Zoom Meeting and find out how to apply.…


National Weekly Meeting for Self-Advocates

Bullying How to respond to bullying and support victims of bullying. Come to this Zoom Meeting for and by self-advocates to discuss this important topic. Thursdays at 1:00 pm ET,…