We Want to Help You

A woman looking confused with question marks above her head.

Does your group or organization need help? SARTAC is here to answer questions and help you find the information to strengthen your self-advocacy group.

We can provide technical assistance on many self-advocacy topics. We will answer your questions by email, phone or video conference. We may be able to visit your group if funding is available.

Requests for technical assistance should come from groups not from individuals. Because we have limited time and resources, SARTAC is not here to provide technical assistance or support to people one-on-one.

Should I contact SARTAC to ask for help?  Use the examples below as a guide.

Can SARTAC help you?

Our self-advocacy group wants to learn more about getting youth involved in self-advocacy.

YES! Contact SARTAC or visit our resources pages for more information.  Here's a link to resources for YOUTH

I am worried that I am going to lose my job support staff.

No. It would be better to contact your local self-advocacy organization or P&A for help.

My group has questions about the national self-advocacy conference.

No.  Contact Vicki Turnage for help.

To contact SARTAC to request technical assistance for your group, please fill out the form below:

  • Please write a few sentences telling us about your need
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Any state, local or regional self-advocacy organization will be able to receive different types of assistance. Technical assistance provided over the phone or computer is free. A few times each year we are available to visit self-advocacy groups in person. Due to limited travel and stipend funds we are asking for matching funds to assist with in-person technical assistance and training requests.