Overcoming Transportation Barriers in Rural West Virginia

National Weekly Meeting for Self-Advocates

Transportation is one of the biggest challenges facing people with disabilities. Learn how Melissa Southall is making a difference taking on this tough issue. Use a computer, tablet, or smartphone…

Supported Decision Making

National Weekly Meeting for Self-Advocates

John McCarty spent a year completing a fellowship. He made 3 videos on Supported Decision-Making. http://y2u.be/5iXwzr16ELU His resources clearly describe Alternatives to Guardianship! Join will be presenting on his resources. Join…


Why Build a Coalition and How to Get Started

National Weekly Meeting for Self-Advocates

Sometimes, problems can be too large and difficult for someone to work on alone. A coalition can be a good way to make a change. A coalition is a group…


Share Your Story Step Up and Speak Up

National Weekly Meeting for Self-Advocates

Telling your story makes life better for all people with disabilities. And it works best if people get the message from us! Always use the same link https://zoom.us/j/324815633 Or call…


Poetry Fest & Share your Favorite Grilling Recipe

National Weekly Meeting for Self-Advocates

Okay - you asked for these topics. Bring your favorite poem to share. If it is one you wrote even better! AND if poetry is not your thing - bring…