COVID-19 Update

National Weekly Meeting for Self-Advocates

COVID-19 Update Get the latest on getting boosters. We will discuss steps used to decide if it is safe for our self-advocacy group to meet in person Always same link…



SABE and our partners want to make sure people with disabilities are getting the facts about the virus in their state. We would like to invite your group or organization…

Omicron Coronavirus

National Weekly Meeting for Self-Advocates

Where to get the facts. Staying calm as we wait for answers. And we want to hear what are your concerns?

Learn How to Apply for a SARTAC Fellowship

National Weekly Meeting for Self-Advocates

SARTAC will pick 6 people to do a one-year project in 2022. Each fellow will work on their project for about 6 hours each week. SARTAC pays Fellows $5,000 to…

TechKnowledgeMe Connecting through Video Conferencing

National Weekly Meeting for Self-Advocates

The Self-Advocacy Association of New York State will describe 5 New Videos by and for self-advocates about: 1.) What is video Conferencing? Why do we do it? Overview 2.) How to Join a Video Conference 3.) Etiquette/Participation 4.) How to get or manage your links 5.) Virtual self-advocacy The SARTAC meetings are always same link…
